Fast-Acting Seasonal Support Supplement*
Mast cell stabilization is a part of normal homeostasis. AllQlear fast-acting seasonal support is a proprietary blend of quail egg which contains ovomucoids that act as a tryptase inhibitor, which block the binding of tryptase (and other trypsin homologs) that provide a unique mechanism to support healthy stabilization of mast cells.* Alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin (AGI) provides the benefits of the flavonoid quercetin with better absorption and superior bioavailability. Flavonoids are known to exert stabilizing effects on mast cells. *
• Fast-acting quail egg• Multi-mechanistic combination
• Supports healthy mast cell stabilization and eye comfort.*
• For seasonal and year-round use
• Includes AGI, a rapidly absorbed form of quercetin
• Berry flavored, chewable tablet